JJ - Забранена любов
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjofficial/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/JJOfficial
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jjofficialtiktok
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/itsJJofficial
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5Ef3ue2sNnWeUBlFBowZTK?si=AA0kBKTGTe25Ax1WojyJCQ
Apple music: https://music.apple.com/bg/album/zabranena-lyubov/1590880979?i=1590881184
Музика и текст: Георги Симеонов JJ
Аранжимент: Даниел Широков
Микс и Мастер: Росен Стоев
Режисъор: Николай Нанков
Оператор: Радослав Гочев
Стилист: Гроздан Михайлов
Грим: Mарина Младенова
Участват още:
Магдалена Томова, Живко Станев, Джо Малук, Мохамед Салах, Елена Белтек, Илиана Koлчева, Венелин Тодориков, Гроздан Михайлов, Радо Дочева и Жулиета Йорданова.
Забранена Любов
Като те видя нещо ми става
Загубвам ум и всякаква ...
published: 18 Oct 2021
JJ Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "JJ Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 JJ Song
3:14 B-I-N-G-O
6:00 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
8:33 Five Little Monkeys
11:41 Ants and the Grasshopper
14:20 This is the Way
16:42 Wheels on the Bus 2
20:11 The Clean Up Trash Song
23:15 Beach Song
25:57 Skidamarink
28:28 Three Little Kittens
31:04 Getting Ready for School
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
published: 03 Jan 2020
Someone made a song from my freakout
TICKETS: https://shopksi.com/pages/tickets
ALBUM: https://ksi.lnk.to/AllLinks
MY SHOP: https://shopksi.com/
published: 24 Oct 2021
Mizo Hla - Min Then Lo'ng - J&J;
published: 08 Mar 2012
JJ's Show and Tell Day at School + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our newest Christmas song, 'Winter Show & Tell'
0:35 Winter Show & Tell
4:05 Yes Yes Bed Time Camping
7:33 YoYo's Arts & Crafts Time: Paper Airplanes
12:44 Ten Little Dinos
16:32 ABC Song with Building Blocks
19:26 My Big Brother Song
22:12 My Daddy Song
25:04 Jobs and Career Song
28:41 Doctor Checkup Song
31:04 Hello Song
34:10 Looby Loo
36:41 Wheels on the Bus (Play Version)
40:08 The Muffin Man
42:33 Breakfast Song
44:56 Opposites Song
48:03 Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
50:35 Itsy Bitsy Spider
52:48 London Bridge is Falling Down
55:06 Sharing Song
58:38 Are We There Yet?
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple ...
published: 11 Dec 2020
오늘장 특징주 두산중공업 한신기계 승일 TJ미디어 위드코로나 시대 전환 관련주 급등~! [JJ리더]
오늘장 특징주 두산중공업 한신기계 승일 TJ미디어 위드코로나 시대 전환 관련주 급등~!
published: 25 Oct 2021
JJ Wants a New Bed + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "JJ Wants a New Bed"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 JJ Wants a New Bed
3:05 The Car Color Song
7:22 Helping Song
10:16 ABC Song
13:47 Peek-A-Boo
15:35 Tortoise and the Hare
19:16 Hot Cross Buns
21:52 Shapes Song
26:05 Taekwondo Song
29:11 Head Shoulder Knees and Toes
31:19 Daisy Bell
33:44 Lunch Song
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by...
published: 03 Jul 2020
Learning Colors Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Let’s learn colors with JJ and the color kaleidoscope
Join the fun with the class as they make different learn different colors for kids!
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoComelon?sub_confirmation=1
Red and orange for our
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is red!
This is orange!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our…
Spoken (Nico): Ooooh!
(All): Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every ...
published: 19 Oct 2021
JJ - Забранена любов
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjofficial/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/JJOfficial
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jjofficialtiktok
Twitter: https://m...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjofficial/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/JJOfficial
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jjofficialtiktok
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/itsJJofficial
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5Ef3ue2sNnWeUBlFBowZTK?si=AA0kBKTGTe25Ax1WojyJCQ
Apple music: https://music.apple.com/bg/album/zabranena-lyubov/1590880979?i=1590881184
Музика и текст: Георги Симеонов JJ
Аранжимент: Даниел Широков
Микс и Мастер: Росен Стоев
Режисъор: Николай Нанков
Оператор: Радослав Гочев
Стилист: Гроздан Михайлов
Грим: Mарина Младенова
Участват още:
Магдалена Томова, Живко Станев, Джо Малук, Мохамед Салах, Елена Белтек, Илиана Koлчева, Венелин Тодориков, Гроздан Михайлов, Радо Дочева и Жулиета Йорданова.
Забранена Любов
Като те видя нещо ми става
Загубвам ум и всякаква представа,
Защото май че много те харесвам
Да ти го кажа няма да е лесно.
Всеки път ме погледаш нежно
И в сърцето ми всичко се подрежда
Прехвърчат много луди пеперуди
Не ги убивай те са ми надежда.
А ти дали ще искаш да си с мен
Открадвам те за ден
И влизаш в забраненото
Искам любовта да ти покажа
Малка е сега няма да лъжа
Не, не тръгвай ти
Не ме оставяй с телефона да заспя
Моля те не давай шанс
Ти да ми липсваш
Чакам всеки час
Да се обадиш
Обикваш част от мен
колкото странно да ти е това.
Колко пъти се опитах да те видя за последно,
а в мен душата ми крещи че не е редно.
От всякъде се вижда нашето със теб е сложно.
В главата ти, да дойдеш в моя свят е невъзможно.
Така живеят хората с човешки норми,
а някой е измислил, да бъдем роби.
И тайно в мен се влюби, но не признаваш
Живееш все за другите и к’во ще кажат.
А ти дали ще искаш да си с мен
Открадвам те за ден и влизаш в забраненото
Искам любовта да ти покажа
Малка е сега няма да лъжа
Не, не тръгвай ти
Не ме оставяй с телефона да заспя
Моля те не давай шанс
Ти да ми липсваш
Чакам всеки час
Да се обадиш
Обикваш част от мен
колкото странно да ти е това.
Искам любовта да ти покажа
Малка е сега няма да лъжа
Не, не тръгвай ти
Не ме оставяй с телефона да заспя
Моля те не давай шанс
Ти да ми липсваш
Чакам всеки час
Да се обадиш
Обикваш част от мен
колкото странно да ти е това.
#JJ #Zabranena #lyubov #Забранена #любов #2021
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jjofficial/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/JJOfficial
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jjofficialtiktok
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/itsJJofficial
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5Ef3ue2sNnWeUBlFBowZTK?si=AA0kBKTGTe25Ax1WojyJCQ
Apple music: https://music.apple.com/bg/album/zabranena-lyubov/1590880979?i=1590881184
Музика и текст: Георги Симеонов JJ
Аранжимент: Даниел Широков
Микс и Мастер: Росен Стоев
Режисъор: Николай Нанков
Оператор: Радослав Гочев
Стилист: Гроздан Михайлов
Грим: Mарина Младенова
Участват още:
Магдалена Томова, Живко Станев, Джо Малук, Мохамед Салах, Елена Белтек, Илиана Koлчева, Венелин Тодориков, Гроздан Михайлов, Радо Дочева и Жулиета Йорданова.
Забранена Любов
Като те видя нещо ми става
Загубвам ум и всякаква представа,
Защото май че много те харесвам
Да ти го кажа няма да е лесно.
Всеки път ме погледаш нежно
И в сърцето ми всичко се подрежда
Прехвърчат много луди пеперуди
Не ги убивай те са ми надежда.
А ти дали ще искаш да си с мен
Открадвам те за ден
И влизаш в забраненото
Искам любовта да ти покажа
Малка е сега няма да лъжа
Не, не тръгвай ти
Не ме оставяй с телефона да заспя
Моля те не давай шанс
Ти да ми липсваш
Чакам всеки час
Да се обадиш
Обикваш част от мен
колкото странно да ти е това.
Колко пъти се опитах да те видя за последно,
а в мен душата ми крещи че не е редно.
От всякъде се вижда нашето със теб е сложно.
В главата ти, да дойдеш в моя свят е невъзможно.
Така живеят хората с човешки норми,
а някой е измислил, да бъдем роби.
И тайно в мен се влюби, но не признаваш
Живееш все за другите и к’во ще кажат.
А ти дали ще искаш да си с мен
Открадвам те за ден и влизаш в забраненото
Искам любовта да ти покажа
Малка е сега няма да лъжа
Не, не тръгвай ти
Не ме оставяй с телефона да заспя
Моля те не давай шанс
Ти да ми липсваш
Чакам всеки час
Да се обадиш
Обикваш част от мен
колкото странно да ти е това.
Искам любовта да ти покажа
Малка е сега няма да лъжа
Не, не тръгвай ти
Не ме оставяй с телефона да заспя
Моля те не давай шанс
Ти да ми липсваш
Чакам всеки час
Да се обадиш
Обикваш част от мен
колкото странно да ти е това.
#JJ #Zabranena #lyubov #Забранена #любов #2021
- published: 18 Oct 2021
- views: 298413
JJ Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent so...
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "JJ Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 JJ Song
3:14 B-I-N-G-O
6:00 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
8:33 Five Little Monkeys
11:41 Ants and the Grasshopper
14:20 This is the Way
16:42 Wheels on the Bus 2
20:11 The Clean Up Trash Song
23:15 Beach Song
25:57 Skidamarink
28:28 Three Little Kittens
31:04 Getting Ready for School
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, we are dedicated to creating quality, educational videos that can help kids learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, and so much more!
Your kids will love our friendly characters and colorful animated videos while learning both classic nursery rhymes and original songs.
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "JJ Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 JJ Song
3:14 B-I-N-G-O
6:00 Old MacDonald Had a Farm
8:33 Five Little Monkeys
11:41 Ants and the Grasshopper
14:20 This is the Way
16:42 Wheels on the Bus 2
20:11 The Clean Up Trash Song
23:15 Beach Song
25:57 Skidamarink
28:28 Three Little Kittens
31:04 Getting Ready for School
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, we are dedicated to creating quality, educational videos that can help kids learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, and so much more!
Your kids will love our friendly characters and colorful animated videos while learning both classic nursery rhymes and original songs.
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 03 Jan 2020
- views: 186868266
Someone made a song from my freakout
TICKETS: https://shopksi.com/pages/tickets
ALBUM: https://ksi.lnk.to/AllLinks
MY SHOP: https://shopksi.com/
TICKETS: https://shopksi.com/pages/tickets
ALBUM: https://ksi.lnk.to/AllLinks
MY SHOP: https://shopksi.com/
TICKETS: https://shopksi.com/pages/tickets
ALBUM: https://ksi.lnk.to/AllLinks
MY SHOP: https://shopksi.com/
- published: 24 Oct 2021
- views: 7681782
JJ's Show and Tell Day at School + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our newest Christm...
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our newest Christmas song, 'Winter Show & Tell'
0:35 Winter Show & Tell
4:05 Yes Yes Bed Time Camping
7:33 YoYo's Arts & Crafts Time: Paper Airplanes
12:44 Ten Little Dinos
16:32 ABC Song with Building Blocks
19:26 My Big Brother Song
22:12 My Daddy Song
25:04 Jobs and Career Song
28:41 Doctor Checkup Song
31:04 Hello Song
34:10 Looby Loo
36:41 Wheels on the Bus (Play Version)
40:08 The Muffin Man
42:33 Breakfast Song
44:56 Opposites Song
48:03 Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
50:35 Itsy Bitsy Spider
52:48 London Bridge is Falling Down
55:06 Sharing Song
58:38 Are We There Yet?
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our newest Christmas song, 'Winter Show & Tell'
0:35 Winter Show & Tell
4:05 Yes Yes Bed Time Camping
7:33 YoYo's Arts & Crafts Time: Paper Airplanes
12:44 Ten Little Dinos
16:32 ABC Song with Building Blocks
19:26 My Big Brother Song
22:12 My Daddy Song
25:04 Jobs and Career Song
28:41 Doctor Checkup Song
31:04 Hello Song
34:10 Looby Loo
36:41 Wheels on the Bus (Play Version)
40:08 The Muffin Man
42:33 Breakfast Song
44:56 Opposites Song
48:03 Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
50:35 Itsy Bitsy Spider
52:48 London Bridge is Falling Down
55:06 Sharing Song
58:38 Are We There Yet?
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 11 Dec 2020
- views: 73991653
JJ Wants a New Bed + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent so...
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "JJ Wants a New Bed"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 JJ Wants a New Bed
3:05 The Car Color Song
7:22 Helping Song
10:16 ABC Song
13:47 Peek-A-Boo
15:35 Tortoise and the Hare
19:16 Hot Cross Buns
21:52 Shapes Song
26:05 Taekwondo Song
29:11 Head Shoulder Knees and Toes
31:19 Daisy Bell
33:44 Lunch Song
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "JJ Wants a New Bed"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 JJ Wants a New Bed
3:05 The Car Color Song
7:22 Helping Song
10:16 ABC Song
13:47 Peek-A-Boo
15:35 Tortoise and the Hare
19:16 Hot Cross Buns
21:52 Shapes Song
26:05 Taekwondo Song
29:11 Head Shoulder Knees and Toes
31:19 Daisy Bell
33:44 Lunch Song
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 03 Jul 2020
- views: 82662401
Learning Colors Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Let’s learn colors with JJ and the color kaleidoscope
Join the fun with the class as they make different learn different colors for kids!
Subscribe for new vid...
Let’s learn colors with JJ and the color kaleidoscope
Join the fun with the class as they make different learn different colors for kids!
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoComelon?sub_confirmation=1
Red and orange for our
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is red!
This is orange!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our…
Spoken (Nico): Ooooh!
(All): Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is yellow!
This is green!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our…
Spoken (Nina): Wow!
Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is blue! This is purple!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our...
Spoken (Bella): Oooh!
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all our colours in our
Ka – lei – do – scope!
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
Website ► https://cocomelon.com/
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonKids
Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@cocomelon_moonbug?lang=en
US Shop ► https://shop.moonbug.com/collections/cocomelon
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s learn colors with JJ and the color kaleidoscope
Join the fun with the class as they make different learn different colors for kids!
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoComelon?sub_confirmation=1
Red and orange for our
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is red!
This is orange!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our…
Spoken (Nico): Ooooh!
(All): Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is yellow!
This is green!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our…
Spoken (Nina): Wow!
Ka – lei – do – scope!
We’ll find every color,
When we look around.
This is blue! This is purple!
Look at what we found!
Red and orange for our-
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Yellow and green for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Blue and purple for our...
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all the colours for our...
Spoken (Bella): Oooh!
Ka – lei – do – scope!
Look at all our colours in our
Ka – lei – do – scope!
🍉Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SXTTUJxIVwMbc1POrviTr
🍉Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/…/cocomelon-kids-hits-vo…/1489207331
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
Website ► https://cocomelon.com/
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonKids
Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@cocomelon_moonbug?lang=en
US Shop ► https://shop.moonbug.com/collections/cocomelon
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 19 Oct 2021
- views: 15858620
JJ and Mikey Build Secret TINY BASE Inside TRAPDOOR in Minecraft - Maizen
JJ and Mikey Build Secret TINY BASE Inside TRAPDOOR in Minecraft - Maizen
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!
Maizen - @maizenofficial
published: 07 Feb 2025
Mikey POOR CRUISE vs JJ RICH CRUISE Ship in Minecraft Maizen!
Mikey POOR CRUISE vs JJ RICH CRUISE Ship in Minecraft Maizen!
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!
published: 07 Feb 2025
林俊傑 JJ Lin|必聽經典20首情歌MV TOP20 Video #串燒 #無間斷 #完整聆聽 #那些你很冒險的夢 #修煉愛情 #學不會 #不為誰而做的歌 #偉大的渺小 #手心的薔薇 #可惜沒如果
林俊傑 JJ Lin|必聽經典20首MV 情歌 TOP20 Video
///林俊傑 必聽精選 TOP HITS///
///TOP20 曲目///
01 那些你很冒險的夢 『學不會』 00:00~04:11
02 修煉愛情 『因你而在』 04:12~09:28
03 學不會 『學不會』 09:30~14:03
04 不為誰而做的歌 『和自己對話』 14:04~19:16
05 偉大的渺小 『偉大的渺小』 19:17~24:18
06 手心的薔薇 feat. 鄧紫棋『新地球』 24:19~29:02
07 可惜沒如果 『新地球』 29:03~41:06
08 黑夜問白天 『偉大的渺小』 41:07~46:15
09 關鍵詞 『和自己對話』 46:16~50:32
10 Love UU 『學不會』 50:33~54:31
11 零度的親吻 『因你而在』 54:32~58:26
12 浪漫血液 『新地球』 58:27~01:03:05
13 生生 『新地球』 01:03:06~01:07:59
14 交換餘生 『倖存者。如你』 01:08:00~01:14:05
15 暫時的記號 『倖存者。如你』 1:14:06~01:18:41
16 倖存者 『倖存者。如你』 01:18:42~01:23:59
17 無濾鏡 『無濾鏡』 01:24:00~01:27:40
18 不存在的情人 『學不會』 01:27:41~01:31:48
19 裂縫中的陽光 『因你而在』 01:31:49~01:35:43
20 只要有你的地方 『和自己對話』 01:35:44~01:40:26
#林俊傑 #必聽經典20首 #TOP20 #那些你很冒險的夢 #修煉愛情 #學不會 #不為誰而做的歌 #偉大的渺小 #手心的薔薇 ...
published: 27 Aug 2024
JJ Doctor Check-Up Song + MORE CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
If you have a boo boo, it’s time to visit the doctor! Learning how the body works and the best ways to keep it healthy is so important! JJ and his Mom play pretend together as JJ dresses up as a Doctor and gives his Mom a checkup. #cocomelon #nurseryrhymes
Subscribe for new videos every week!
00:00 JJ Doctor Check-Up Song
02:47 Yes Yes Dress for the Rain
06:24 Heroes to the Rescue
09:05 Santa JJ
11:54 Old MacDonald
14:25 Little Miss Muffet
16:53 Teaching Directions
20:15 Easter Masks Song
23:36 Jobs and Career Song
27:13 Finger Family Halloween
29:51 Dentist Song
32:27 The Soccer (Football) Song
35:20 Camping Song
37:54 Let's Build a Pillow Fort
40:32 The Stretching and Exercise Song
42:55 Ms. Polly H...
published: 30 Dec 2023
JJ Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
👶It’s another wonderful morning with JJ! Who knows what fantastical adventures JJ will have!
Watch and sing along as everyone greets JJ in the morning! 🌞
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/c/cocomelon?sub_confirmation=1
The little birdies tweet
As you jump to your feet
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
Toast, eggs and fruit to start
Healthy food will make you smart
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
Each day you will... discover
Things that fill you...with wonder
Chances to make...fun memories
With friends who … Play-A-Long!
Just think what you can do
As you hop into your shoes
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
There’s much to learn and play
On this happy sunny da...
published: 03 Dec 2019
Mikey & JJ, Who is the last man standing
published: 11 Nov 2024
JJ + Emma = Jemma 4 Ever #comedy #funny #skit #school
published: 26 May 2023
Mikey wakes JJ up with Music
published: 28 Sep 2024
林俊傑 JJ Lin 《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》 Official Music Video
無數的宇宙,映照出無數個 ‘我’
JJ20的心路《光陰副本》官方 MV 上線!
Countless universes mirror the multiverse within me,
like a sheet of music turned,
etched with the bittersweet echoes of the past.
Through the shadows, I found my light.
This song captures my 21-year JJ20 journey.
Here’s the MV for the official theme song of the highly anticipated JJ20 FINAL LAP World Tour:《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》.
林俊傑 JJ Lin《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》
詞 Lyrics:易家揚 Kevin Yi
曲 Composer:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin
編曲 Music Arrangement:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin
導演:陳奕仁 Muh Chen
🔗 數位收聽🎧
#林俊傑光陰副本 #AboveTheFray
星空拉著路⼈ 記憶碰撞年輪
最後⼀圈 往前奔
⼈在賽道跑著 撐著 爭著 忍著
⼼在⿊裏跪著 吼著 問著 等著
你在⼈海游著 抖著 躲著 沈著
我呢 ⽬送著那些痴愚瞋
跟⾃⼰對峙過了 就別鬧了 別複製問號 這勝負已分
published: 26 Dec 2024
JJ and Mikey ESCAPE from their ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft Challenge - Maizen
Hello everyone, welcome to the channel JJ FAN!
In this video: JJ and Mikey ESCAPE from their ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft Challenge - Maizen
This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos
Maizen Original Channel: @maizenofficial
On this channel you will see the coolest Mikey and JJ selections from JJ FAN
Subscribe and like
published: 07 Feb 2025
JJ and Mikey Build Secret TINY BASE Inside TRAPDOOR in Minecraft - Maizen
JJ and Mikey Build Secret TINY BASE Inside TRAPDOOR in Minecraft - Maizen
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters...
JJ and Mikey Build Secret TINY BASE Inside TRAPDOOR in Minecraft - Maizen
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!
Maizen - @maizenofficial
JJ and Mikey Build Secret TINY BASE Inside TRAPDOOR in Minecraft - Maizen
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!
Maizen - @maizenofficial
- published: 07 Feb 2025
- views: 74493
Mikey POOR CRUISE vs JJ RICH CRUISE Ship in Minecraft Maizen!
Mikey POOR CRUISE vs JJ RICH CRUISE Ship in Minecraft Maizen!
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks f...
Mikey POOR CRUISE vs JJ RICH CRUISE Ship in Minecraft Maizen!
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!
Mikey POOR CRUISE vs JJ RICH CRUISE Ship in Minecraft Maizen!
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.
Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos!
- published: 07 Feb 2025
- views: 16097
林俊傑 JJ Lin|必聽經典20首情歌MV TOP20 Video #串燒 #無間斷 #完整聆聽 #那些你很冒險的夢 #修煉愛情 #學不會 #不為誰而做的歌 #偉大的渺小 #手心的薔薇 #可惜沒如果
林俊傑 JJ Lin|必聽經典20首MV 情歌 TOP20 Video
///林俊傑 必聽精選 TOP HITS///
///TOP20 曲目///
01 那些你很冒險的夢 『學不會』 00:00~04:11
02 修煉愛情 『因你而在』 ...
林俊傑 JJ Lin|必聽經典20首MV 情歌 TOP20 Video
///林俊傑 必聽精選 TOP HITS///
///TOP20 曲目///
01 那些你很冒險的夢 『學不會』 00:00~04:11
02 修煉愛情 『因你而在』 04:12~09:28
03 學不會 『學不會』 09:30~14:03
04 不為誰而做的歌 『和自己對話』 14:04~19:16
05 偉大的渺小 『偉大的渺小』 19:17~24:18
06 手心的薔薇 feat. 鄧紫棋『新地球』 24:19~29:02
07 可惜沒如果 『新地球』 29:03~41:06
08 黑夜問白天 『偉大的渺小』 41:07~46:15
09 關鍵詞 『和自己對話』 46:16~50:32
10 Love UU 『學不會』 50:33~54:31
11 零度的親吻 『因你而在』 54:32~58:26
12 浪漫血液 『新地球』 58:27~01:03:05
13 生生 『新地球』 01:03:06~01:07:59
14 交換餘生 『倖存者。如你』 01:08:00~01:14:05
15 暫時的記號 『倖存者。如你』 1:14:06~01:18:41
16 倖存者 『倖存者。如你』 01:18:42~01:23:59
17 無濾鏡 『無濾鏡』 01:24:00~01:27:40
18 不存在的情人 『學不會』 01:27:41~01:31:48
19 裂縫中的陽光 『因你而在』 01:31:49~01:35:43
20 只要有你的地方 『和自己對話』 01:35:44~01:40:26
#林俊傑 #必聽經典20首 #TOP20 #那些你很冒險的夢 #修煉愛情 #學不會 #不為誰而做的歌 #偉大的渺小 #手心的薔薇 #可惜沒如果 #黑夜問白天 #關鍵詞 #LoveUU #零度的親吻 #浪漫血液 #生生 #交換餘生 #暫時的記號 #倖存者 #無濾鏡 #不存在的情人 #裂縫中的陽光 #只要有你的地
和你一起復刻回憶80經典 #BackToThe80s
→ https://TimelessMusicAsia.lnk.to/BackToThe80s
到現在還在聽90金曲 #BackToThe90s
→ https://TimelessMusicAsia.lnk.to/BackToThe90s
那些年我們一起聽的00好歌 #BackToThe00s
→ https://TimelessMusicAsia.lnk.to/BackToThe00s
→ https://TOPSIFY.lnk.to/rIfZOZA0
喜歡也同時記得訂閱 Timeless FB/IG
→ https://www.facebook.com/timelessmusicasia
→ https://www.instagram.com/timelessmusicasia
林俊傑 JJ Lin|必聽經典20首MV 情歌 TOP20 Video
///林俊傑 必聽精選 TOP HITS///
///TOP20 曲目///
01 那些你很冒險的夢 『學不會』 00:00~04:11
02 修煉愛情 『因你而在』 04:12~09:28
03 學不會 『學不會』 09:30~14:03
04 不為誰而做的歌 『和自己對話』 14:04~19:16
05 偉大的渺小 『偉大的渺小』 19:17~24:18
06 手心的薔薇 feat. 鄧紫棋『新地球』 24:19~29:02
07 可惜沒如果 『新地球』 29:03~41:06
08 黑夜問白天 『偉大的渺小』 41:07~46:15
09 關鍵詞 『和自己對話』 46:16~50:32
10 Love UU 『學不會』 50:33~54:31
11 零度的親吻 『因你而在』 54:32~58:26
12 浪漫血液 『新地球』 58:27~01:03:05
13 生生 『新地球』 01:03:06~01:07:59
14 交換餘生 『倖存者。如你』 01:08:00~01:14:05
15 暫時的記號 『倖存者。如你』 1:14:06~01:18:41
16 倖存者 『倖存者。如你』 01:18:42~01:23:59
17 無濾鏡 『無濾鏡』 01:24:00~01:27:40
18 不存在的情人 『學不會』 01:27:41~01:31:48
19 裂縫中的陽光 『因你而在』 01:31:49~01:35:43
20 只要有你的地方 『和自己對話』 01:35:44~01:40:26
#林俊傑 #必聽經典20首 #TOP20 #那些你很冒險的夢 #修煉愛情 #學不會 #不為誰而做的歌 #偉大的渺小 #手心的薔薇 #可惜沒如果 #黑夜問白天 #關鍵詞 #LoveUU #零度的親吻 #浪漫血液 #生生 #交換餘生 #暫時的記號 #倖存者 #無濾鏡 #不存在的情人 #裂縫中的陽光 #只要有你的地
和你一起復刻回憶80經典 #BackToThe80s
→ https://TimelessMusicAsia.lnk.to/BackToThe80s
到現在還在聽90金曲 #BackToThe90s
→ https://TimelessMusicAsia.lnk.to/BackToThe90s
那些年我們一起聽的00好歌 #BackToThe00s
→ https://TimelessMusicAsia.lnk.to/BackToThe00s
→ https://TOPSIFY.lnk.to/rIfZOZA0
喜歡也同時記得訂閱 Timeless FB/IG
→ https://www.facebook.com/timelessmusicasia
→ https://www.instagram.com/timelessmusicasia
- published: 27 Aug 2024
- views: 1031982
JJ Doctor Check-Up Song + MORE CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
If you have a boo boo, it’s time to visit the doctor! Learning how the body works and the best ways to keep it healthy is so important! JJ and his Mom play pret...
If you have a boo boo, it’s time to visit the doctor! Learning how the body works and the best ways to keep it healthy is so important! JJ and his Mom play pretend together as JJ dresses up as a Doctor and gives his Mom a checkup. #cocomelon #nurseryrhymes
Subscribe for new videos every week!
00:00 JJ Doctor Check-Up Song
02:47 Yes Yes Dress for the Rain
06:24 Heroes to the Rescue
09:05 Santa JJ
11:54 Old MacDonald
14:25 Little Miss Muffet
16:53 Teaching Directions
20:15 Easter Masks Song
23:36 Jobs and Career Song
27:13 Finger Family Halloween
29:51 Dentist Song
32:27 The Soccer (Football) Song
35:20 Camping Song
37:54 Let's Build a Pillow Fort
40:32 The Stretching and Exercise Song
42:55 Ms. Polly Had a Dolly
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your mouth,
they’ll check your head
They’ll check your temperature,
step by step
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your lungs
they’ll check your heart
They’ll make sure they’re working
every part
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your eyes,
they’ll check your ears
They’ll check how well
You can see and hear
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your tongue,
they’ll check your throat
They’ll look at their checklist
and make some notes
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your reflex,
they’ll check your bones
To see that they’re healthy
and how much you’ve grown
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
Now they might say
that you need a shot
But don’t be scared,
it won’t hurt a lot
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
Music available on all major streaming platforms now:
🍉 https://cocomelon.lnk.to/TheCompleteCollectionYT!DSC
🍉 Sign up for the CoCoClub newsletter to access exclusive content, giveaways, and more! https://lnk.to/CCMNews
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
Website ► https://cocomelon.com/
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonKids
Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@cocomelon?lang=en
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If you have a boo boo, it’s time to visit the doctor! Learning how the body works and the best ways to keep it healthy is so important! JJ and his Mom play pretend together as JJ dresses up as a Doctor and gives his Mom a checkup. #cocomelon #nurseryrhymes
Subscribe for new videos every week!
00:00 JJ Doctor Check-Up Song
02:47 Yes Yes Dress for the Rain
06:24 Heroes to the Rescue
09:05 Santa JJ
11:54 Old MacDonald
14:25 Little Miss Muffet
16:53 Teaching Directions
20:15 Easter Masks Song
23:36 Jobs and Career Song
27:13 Finger Family Halloween
29:51 Dentist Song
32:27 The Soccer (Football) Song
35:20 Camping Song
37:54 Let's Build a Pillow Fort
40:32 The Stretching and Exercise Song
42:55 Ms. Polly Had a Dolly
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your mouth,
they’ll check your head
They’ll check your temperature,
step by step
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your lungs
they’ll check your heart
They’ll make sure they’re working
every part
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your eyes,
they’ll check your ears
They’ll check how well
You can see and hear
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your tongue,
they’ll check your throat
They’ll look at their checklist
and make some notes
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
They’ll check your reflex,
they’ll check your bones
To see that they’re healthy
and how much you’ve grown
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
Now they might say
that you need a shot
But don’t be scared,
it won’t hurt a lot
When you go see the doctor
For your checkup today
They’ll make sure you’re healthy
In every way
Music available on all major streaming platforms now:
🍉 https://cocomelon.lnk.to/TheCompleteCollectionYT!DSC
🍉 Sign up for the CoCoClub newsletter to access exclusive content, giveaways, and more! https://lnk.to/CCMNews
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoComelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
Website ► https://cocomelon.com/
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonKids
Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@cocomelon?lang=en
About CoComelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
CoComelon’s 3D animation and songs create a world that centers on the everyday experiences of young children.
In addition to helping preschoolers learn letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and more, the videos impart prosocial life lessons, providing parents with an opportunity to teach and play with their children as they watch together.
WEBSITE: http://www.CoComelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CoComelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/CoComelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 30 Dec 2023
- views: 88013632
JJ Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
👶It’s another wonderful morning with JJ! Who knows what fantastical adventures JJ will have!
Watch and sing along as everyone greets JJ in the morning! 🌞
👶It’s another wonderful morning with JJ! Who knows what fantastical adventures JJ will have!
Watch and sing along as everyone greets JJ in the morning! 🌞
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/c/cocomelon?sub_confirmation=1
The little birdies tweet
As you jump to your feet
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
Toast, eggs and fruit to start
Healthy food will make you smart
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
Each day you will... discover
Things that fill you...with wonder
Chances to make...fun memories
With friends who … Play-A-Long!
Just think what you can do
As you hop into your shoes
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
There’s much to learn and play
On this happy sunny day
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s got the curl
like an ice cream swirl
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s heart’s so bright,
Like the warm sunlight
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s big warm smile
Stretches for a mile
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s heartfelt hug,
Is like a teddy’s love
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s curious mind
Is like Einstein
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who cheers us up
Like a playful pup
Start the day with a song
And your friends will sing along
We love you, we love you
We love you JJ
When love fills your heart
You’ll be happy and smart
We love you, we love you
I love you
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, we are dedicated to creating quality, educational videos that can help kids learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, and so much more!
Your kids will love our friendly characters and colorful animated videos while learning both classic nursery rhymes and original songs.
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
👶It’s another wonderful morning with JJ! Who knows what fantastical adventures JJ will have!
Watch and sing along as everyone greets JJ in the morning! 🌞
Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/c/cocomelon?sub_confirmation=1
The little birdies tweet
As you jump to your feet
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
Toast, eggs and fruit to start
Healthy food will make you smart
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
Each day you will... discover
Things that fill you...with wonder
Chances to make...fun memories
With friends who … Play-A-Long!
Just think what you can do
As you hop into your shoes
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
There’s much to learn and play
On this happy sunny day
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning JJ
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s got the curl
like an ice cream swirl
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s heart’s so bright,
Like the warm sunlight
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s big warm smile
Stretches for a mile
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s heartfelt hug,
Is like a teddy’s love
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who’s curious mind
Is like Einstein
It’s JJ! It’s JJ!
Who cheers us up
Like a playful pup
Start the day with a song
And your friends will sing along
We love you, we love you
We love you JJ
When love fills your heart
You’ll be happy and smart
We love you, we love you
I love you
Watch our playlists:
Family Fun
Kids Songs by CoCoMelon
JJ & Friends
Nursery Rhymes in 3D
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, we are dedicated to creating quality, educational videos that can help kids learn all about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, animals, and so much more!
Your kids will love our friendly characters and colorful animated videos while learning both classic nursery rhymes and original songs.
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 03 Dec 2019
- views: 206752778
林俊傑 JJ Lin 《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》 Official Music Video
無數的宇宙,映照出無數個 ‘我’
JJ20的心路《光陰副本》官方 MV 上線!
Countless universes mirror the multiverse within me,
like a sheet of music turned,
etched with ...
無數的宇宙,映照出無數個 ‘我’
JJ20的心路《光陰副本》官方 MV 上線!
Countless universes mirror the multiverse within me,
like a sheet of music turned,
etched with the bittersweet echoes of the past.
Through the shadows, I found my light.
This song captures my 21-year JJ20 journey.
Here’s the MV for the official theme song of the highly anticipated JJ20 FINAL LAP World Tour:《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》.
林俊傑 JJ Lin《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》
詞 Lyrics:易家揚 Kevin Yi
曲 Composer:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin
編曲 Music Arrangement:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin
導演:陳奕仁 Muh Chen
🔗 數位收聽🎧
#林俊傑光陰副本 #AboveTheFray
星空拉著路⼈ 記憶碰撞年輪
最後⼀圈 往前奔
⼈在賽道跑著 撐著 爭著 忍著
⼼在⿊裏跪著 吼著 問著 等著
你在⼈海游著 抖著 躲著 沈著
我呢 ⽬送著那些痴愚瞋
跟⾃⼰對峙過了 就別鬧了 別複製問號 這勝負已分
拿那光陰的副本看看我還有 多少個不朽或是永恒
另外⼀次如果 另外⼀次結果 另外⼀次 假如我
那時的驚嘆號 那些夢真沒老 等我來要
我輸過 是沒錯 哼 然⽽我 還沒認
多少啞⼝無語 只為聽⼀聲
《光陰副本 Above The Fray 》
詞 LYRICS:易家揚 Kevin Yi
低音吉他 BASS GUITAR:Andy Peterson
鼓 DRUMS:Ash Soan
大提琴 CELLO:莊家歡 Olivia Chuang
弦樂 STRINGS:國際首席愛樂樂團 International Master Philharmonic Orchestra
錄音室 RECORDING STUDIO:THE JFJ BLUE ROOM(Singapore)/ALEX.D Studio(Taipei)/Crosstown studio(Malaysia)/The Windmill Studio(Norfolk,England)/IdeaNique Studio(Singapore)/中国剧院录音棚 (Beijing)
錄音師 RECORDING ENGINEER:林俊傑 JJ LIN/黃冠龍ALEX.D/Ananth/Ash Soan/洪俊揚 JY/陳子健 ZJ/李巍
混音室 MIXING STUDIO:mixHaus (Encino, CA)
混音師 MIXING ENGINEER:Richard Furch
後期母帶處理錄音室 MASTERING STUDIO:Bernie Grundman Mastering, LA
後期母帶處理錄音師 MASTERING ENGINEER:Mike Bozzi
Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像
Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁
Executive Producer:Eliza Lee 李依蒨
Assistant Director:Xiao Chi Lin 林曉娸
Director’s Assistant:Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧/Yi Ting Lo 羅伊庭/Anya C. 陳盈雅
Intern:Peng Ding Xiang 彭定翔
Producer:Hanson Wang 王漢聲
Line Producer:Karen Liang 梁紋綾/Hsi Hao Wang 王璽皓
Production Assistant:Yi Cen Lin 林宜岑
D.P.:Hsin Chin 金鑫
Camera Assistant:Ming Chieh Mai 買銘傑/Yao Yu Guo 郭曜宇/Bing Hong Qiu 邱秉鴻/Yaoz 陳子堯
Aerial Photographer:Hsu Wang Peng 徐王鵬
JIB:Hua Yang Chu 朱華陽 @樂天影業
Gaffer:Ming Che Sung 宋明哲
Best Boy:Yu Sheng Gao 高煜盛
Electrician:Ko Ching Lu 呂科徵/Yi Hong Chen 陳繹閎/KM Lan 藍功民/Po Cheng Chen 陳柏成
Production Designer:Chih Da Kuo 郭志達
Art Assistant:Captain Shao Chu 黃少築/Yoyo Wong 翁韻婷/Zi Ning Huang 黃梓甯
Set Coordinator:Pringle Chen陳政翰/Jia Wei Jhang 張家瑋/Gary Pan潘健翔/Zhi Feng Hsu 許誌峯/ Yu Guo Jie 余國傑/Huang Zeng Da黃正達
Scenic Art:A Rong Props Studio 阿榮道具制作室/Chien Min Chien 簡建民/Chien Sung Chien 簡建松
Special Props Team:Ping Ping Art Studio 拼拼藝術工作室/Jhang Yi Sin(A Guang) 張以昕 (阿光)/ Hsieh Cheng Lin謝政霖/Jhang Wei Sheng張惟聖/Ranfri Chen 陳姿伃/Liao Yu Rui廖昱睿/Cheng long Hsieh謝成隆
Piano Carpentry:Chia Hung Sun孫家鴻/Han Sheng Lai賴漢笙
Stylist:Yu Ping郁萍/Barbie Chen陳萱誼
Special Prop:Saint Liu 劉守祥(閃特)
Mask man:Muh Chen 陳奕仁/Hsi Hao Wang 王璽皓
Extras:Miki Studio 林米麒工作室
Camera Rental:Leader Asia Pacific Creativity Center 利達數位影音科技股份有限公司
Lighting Rental & Studio:Arrow Cinematic Group 阿榮影業股份有限公司
3D Scan:Moonshine Studio 夢想動畫
Sai Ling 凌倫明/Eli Hung 洪健淇/Lin Yi Le 林宜樂/Evan Lin 林廷穎
Abao Chen 陳彥臻/Chu Chia Ching 朱家靚/Hsieh Hui Chi 謝惠琪
Post-Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像
Producer/Project Manager:Stacy Chou 周雅涵
Project Assistant:Fay Yeh 葉庭歡
Financial Manager:Lulu Chen 陳奕如
Administrative Assistant:Sylvia Lin 林湘庭
CG & Compositing Lead:Greg Miao 苗天雨/Kwan Tam 譚啟昆
Story:Xiao Chi Lin 林曉娸/Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧/Yi Ting Lo 羅伊庭/Yu Shuo Liang 梁育碩/QB Lian 連又潔/Anya C. 陳盈雅/Allison Yan 閻鍾沁
Designer:Yu Shuo Liang 梁育碩/Allison Yan 閻鍾沁
Title Sequence:Anya C. 陳盈雅
Credits:Anya C. 陳盈雅
3D Animator:Kwan Tam 譚啟昆/Jia Yu Chen 陳家榆/Hun Ting Tsai 蔡卉婷/Wei Tsou 鄒政偉/Ting Yi Lu 呂庭儀/Yu Ting Tang 唐榆庭/Sing Huei Chen 陳幸慧
3D Animator Assistant:Allison Yan 閻鍾沁/DarLee Huang 黃冠斌
Compositing:Greg Miao 苗天雨/Kwan Tam 譚啟昆
Compositor’s Assistant:Jackson Goh 吳芳華/Wei Tsou 鄒政偉/DarLee Huang 黃冠斌/Jack"Y" Hsieh 謝政霖/Jia Yu Chen 陳家榆/Hun Ting Tsai 蔡卉婷/Anya C. 陳盈雅/QB Lian 連又潔/Allison Yan 閻鍾沁/Ting Yi Lu 呂庭儀
FX Artist:Tian Yi Li 李天意
Editor:Muh Chen 陳奕仁/Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧
Grading:Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧/iView Post-Production 意象影像 Pudding Wang 王慕鼎
藝人經紀 Artiste Management:徐佩雲 Yvonne See
執行經紀 Artiste Management Executive:孫凡崴 Gaspard Sun
藝人助理 Artiste Assistant:彭靖深 JS Pang
企劃Marketing Supervisor:曾榆皓 Yu Hao Tseng
數位行銷執行經紀 Digital Marketing & Artiste Management:陳淑珍 Karen Tan
數位創意執行製作 Digital Creative Production Executive:萬懷祖 Luat Wan
動態影像側拍 BTS Videographer:蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai 陳奕筑 Bana Chen
平面影像側拍 BTS Photographer:萬懷祖Luat Wan
造型師 Artiste's Stylist:Edie Lai
林俊傑化妝 Artiste's Makeup:高秀雯 Jasmine Kao 張婉雁 Karen Chang
林俊傑髮型 Artiste's Hairstylist:胡智豪 Peter Wu
無數的宇宙,映照出無數個 ‘我’
JJ20的心路《光陰副本》官方 MV 上線!
Countless universes mirror the multiverse within me,
like a sheet of music turned,
etched with the bittersweet echoes of the past.
Through the shadows, I found my light.
This song captures my 21-year JJ20 journey.
Here’s the MV for the official theme song of the highly anticipated JJ20 FINAL LAP World Tour:《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》.
林俊傑 JJ Lin《光陰副本 · Above The Fray》
詞 Lyrics:易家揚 Kevin Yi
曲 Composer:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin
編曲 Music Arrangement:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin
導演:陳奕仁 Muh Chen
🔗 數位收聽🎧
#林俊傑光陰副本 #AboveTheFray
星空拉著路⼈ 記憶碰撞年輪
最後⼀圈 往前奔
⼈在賽道跑著 撐著 爭著 忍著
⼼在⿊裏跪著 吼著 問著 等著
你在⼈海游著 抖著 躲著 沈著
我呢 ⽬送著那些痴愚瞋
跟⾃⼰對峙過了 就別鬧了 別複製問號 這勝負已分
拿那光陰的副本看看我還有 多少個不朽或是永恒
另外⼀次如果 另外⼀次結果 另外⼀次 假如我
那時的驚嘆號 那些夢真沒老 等我來要
我輸過 是沒錯 哼 然⽽我 還沒認
多少啞⼝無語 只為聽⼀聲
《光陰副本 Above The Fray 》
詞 LYRICS:易家揚 Kevin Yi
低音吉他 BASS GUITAR:Andy Peterson
鼓 DRUMS:Ash Soan
大提琴 CELLO:莊家歡 Olivia Chuang
弦樂 STRINGS:國際首席愛樂樂團 International Master Philharmonic Orchestra
錄音室 RECORDING STUDIO:THE JFJ BLUE ROOM(Singapore)/ALEX.D Studio(Taipei)/Crosstown studio(Malaysia)/The Windmill Studio(Norfolk,England)/IdeaNique Studio(Singapore)/中国剧院录音棚 (Beijing)
錄音師 RECORDING ENGINEER:林俊傑 JJ LIN/黃冠龍ALEX.D/Ananth/Ash Soan/洪俊揚 JY/陳子健 ZJ/李巍
混音室 MIXING STUDIO:mixHaus (Encino, CA)
混音師 MIXING ENGINEER:Richard Furch
後期母帶處理錄音室 MASTERING STUDIO:Bernie Grundman Mastering, LA
後期母帶處理錄音師 MASTERING ENGINEER:Mike Bozzi
Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像
Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁
Executive Producer:Eliza Lee 李依蒨
Assistant Director:Xiao Chi Lin 林曉娸
Director’s Assistant:Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧/Yi Ting Lo 羅伊庭/Anya C. 陳盈雅
Intern:Peng Ding Xiang 彭定翔
Producer:Hanson Wang 王漢聲
Line Producer:Karen Liang 梁紋綾/Hsi Hao Wang 王璽皓
Production Assistant:Yi Cen Lin 林宜岑
D.P.:Hsin Chin 金鑫
Camera Assistant:Ming Chieh Mai 買銘傑/Yao Yu Guo 郭曜宇/Bing Hong Qiu 邱秉鴻/Yaoz 陳子堯
Aerial Photographer:Hsu Wang Peng 徐王鵬
JIB:Hua Yang Chu 朱華陽 @樂天影業
Gaffer:Ming Che Sung 宋明哲
Best Boy:Yu Sheng Gao 高煜盛
Electrician:Ko Ching Lu 呂科徵/Yi Hong Chen 陳繹閎/KM Lan 藍功民/Po Cheng Chen 陳柏成
Production Designer:Chih Da Kuo 郭志達
Art Assistant:Captain Shao Chu 黃少築/Yoyo Wong 翁韻婷/Zi Ning Huang 黃梓甯
Set Coordinator:Pringle Chen陳政翰/Jia Wei Jhang 張家瑋/Gary Pan潘健翔/Zhi Feng Hsu 許誌峯/ Yu Guo Jie 余國傑/Huang Zeng Da黃正達
Scenic Art:A Rong Props Studio 阿榮道具制作室/Chien Min Chien 簡建民/Chien Sung Chien 簡建松
Special Props Team:Ping Ping Art Studio 拼拼藝術工作室/Jhang Yi Sin(A Guang) 張以昕 (阿光)/ Hsieh Cheng Lin謝政霖/Jhang Wei Sheng張惟聖/Ranfri Chen 陳姿伃/Liao Yu Rui廖昱睿/Cheng long Hsieh謝成隆
Piano Carpentry:Chia Hung Sun孫家鴻/Han Sheng Lai賴漢笙
Stylist:Yu Ping郁萍/Barbie Chen陳萱誼
Special Prop:Saint Liu 劉守祥(閃特)
Mask man:Muh Chen 陳奕仁/Hsi Hao Wang 王璽皓
Extras:Miki Studio 林米麒工作室
Camera Rental:Leader Asia Pacific Creativity Center 利達數位影音科技股份有限公司
Lighting Rental & Studio:Arrow Cinematic Group 阿榮影業股份有限公司
3D Scan:Moonshine Studio 夢想動畫
Sai Ling 凌倫明/Eli Hung 洪健淇/Lin Yi Le 林宜樂/Evan Lin 林廷穎
Abao Chen 陳彥臻/Chu Chia Ching 朱家靚/Hsieh Hui Chi 謝惠琪
Post-Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像
Producer/Project Manager:Stacy Chou 周雅涵
Project Assistant:Fay Yeh 葉庭歡
Financial Manager:Lulu Chen 陳奕如
Administrative Assistant:Sylvia Lin 林湘庭
CG & Compositing Lead:Greg Miao 苗天雨/Kwan Tam 譚啟昆
Story:Xiao Chi Lin 林曉娸/Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧/Yi Ting Lo 羅伊庭/Yu Shuo Liang 梁育碩/QB Lian 連又潔/Anya C. 陳盈雅/Allison Yan 閻鍾沁
Designer:Yu Shuo Liang 梁育碩/Allison Yan 閻鍾沁
Title Sequence:Anya C. 陳盈雅
Credits:Anya C. 陳盈雅
3D Animator:Kwan Tam 譚啟昆/Jia Yu Chen 陳家榆/Hun Ting Tsai 蔡卉婷/Wei Tsou 鄒政偉/Ting Yi Lu 呂庭儀/Yu Ting Tang 唐榆庭/Sing Huei Chen 陳幸慧
3D Animator Assistant:Allison Yan 閻鍾沁/DarLee Huang 黃冠斌
Compositing:Greg Miao 苗天雨/Kwan Tam 譚啟昆
Compositor’s Assistant:Jackson Goh 吳芳華/Wei Tsou 鄒政偉/DarLee Huang 黃冠斌/Jack"Y" Hsieh 謝政霖/Jia Yu Chen 陳家榆/Hun Ting Tsai 蔡卉婷/Anya C. 陳盈雅/QB Lian 連又潔/Allison Yan 閻鍾沁/Ting Yi Lu 呂庭儀
FX Artist:Tian Yi Li 李天意
Editor:Muh Chen 陳奕仁/Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧
Grading:Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧/iView Post-Production 意象影像 Pudding Wang 王慕鼎
藝人經紀 Artiste Management:徐佩雲 Yvonne See
執行經紀 Artiste Management Executive:孫凡崴 Gaspard Sun
藝人助理 Artiste Assistant:彭靖深 JS Pang
企劃Marketing Supervisor:曾榆皓 Yu Hao Tseng
數位行銷執行經紀 Digital Marketing & Artiste Management:陳淑珍 Karen Tan
數位創意執行製作 Digital Creative Production Executive:萬懷祖 Luat Wan
動態影像側拍 BTS Videographer:蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai 陳奕筑 Bana Chen
平面影像側拍 BTS Photographer:萬懷祖Luat Wan
造型師 Artiste's Stylist:Edie Lai
林俊傑化妝 Artiste's Makeup:高秀雯 Jasmine Kao 張婉雁 Karen Chang
林俊傑髮型 Artiste's Hairstylist:胡智豪 Peter Wu
- published: 26 Dec 2024
- views: 2357207
JJ and Mikey ESCAPE from their ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft Challenge - Maizen
Hello everyone, welcome to the channel JJ FAN!
In this video: JJ and Mikey ESCAPE from their ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft Challenge - Maizen
This is not an offic...
Hello everyone, welcome to the channel JJ FAN!
In this video: JJ and Mikey ESCAPE from their ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft Challenge - Maizen
This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos
Maizen Original Channel: @maizenofficial
On this channel you will see the coolest Mikey and JJ selections from JJ FAN
Subscribe and like
Hello everyone, welcome to the channel JJ FAN!
In this video: JJ and Mikey ESCAPE from their ZOMBIE FAMILY in Minecraft Challenge - Maizen
This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos
Maizen Original Channel: @maizenofficial
On this channel you will see the coolest Mikey and JJ selections from JJ FAN
Subscribe and like
- published: 07 Feb 2025
- views: 3589